Hustle for Health Programs return to Gloria J Parks Community Center in Buffalo, NY
Fall 2021. We've missed you so much and are so excited to getting together safely.

The Hustle for Health Senior Class at Gloria Parks started in 2014 as a
6-week pilot program in the lunch room, to an annual program attracting 55+ Seniors to the gym every week.
In March 2020 community gatherings were cancelled and a stay-at-home order was in place to stop the spread.
After 18 months of being apart, we are so excited to return to our weekly Monday / Wednesday line dance fitness routine in the University District.
Hustle for Health Indoor Classes resume September 8th 2021 and runs though December 29th 2021.
In order to maintain social distancing, we require pre-registration to each session.
Your RSVP guarantees you one spot in this limited capacity class.
Class is free for seniors aged 55+ . There will be a temperature check at the door.
Masks are required indoors to keep everyone safe during the ongoing pandemic.
Got questions? Call (716) 832-1010 ext 211 to speak with Claudette Cade (CC).
Need a refresher on the dance moves? Check out our YouTube Class Playlist.